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Michiel de Haas

Assistant Professor, Wageningen University

Personal page

Research interests: Long-run changes in living standards

I study social and economic transformations in African societies in the nineteenth and twentieth century. I have published on various themes, including agricultural production and trade, gendered access to education, long-run inequality and migration. Most of my work focuses on the Great Lakes Region during the colonial era, Uganda in particular.

Country Cases

Michiel de Haas Wageningen University

Following the completion of a railway to the coast, colonial Uganda quickly emerged as a cotton and coffee exporting colony. Agricultural exports were largely grown by smallholders, providing access to cash incomes to the majority of rural households. Nevertheless, Uganda also saw the emergence of substantial inequalities between regions, ethnic groups and races. The northern regions were underserved in terms of jobs, education and medical facilities. Moreover, European and South Asian expatriates dominated colonial trading and the skilled niches of the private and public labour market. This project is the first to estimate inequality prior to 1970 and to use social tables to disentangle regional, racial, and class dimensions.

Data is available here.





Working Papers


Blog Posts

Migration in Africa: Shifting Patterns of Mobility from the 19th to the 21st Century
Michiel de Haas Wageningen University
Ewout Frankema
Today, Africa is characterized by substantial variations in income inequality levels between and within countries. While certain countries in West and North Africa portray a relatively equal distribution of incomes, others, notably in Central, Eastern, and especially Southern Africa, grapple with entrenched inequalities. Scholars have long identified two key historical explanations for the outcomes of […]
Income inequality and export-oriented commercialization in colonial Africa: Evidence from six countries
Ellen Hillbom Lund University
Jutta Bolt Lund University
Michiel de Haas Wageningen University
Federico Tadei University of Barcelona
Today, Africa is characterized by substantial variations in income inequality levels between and within countries. While certain countries in West and North Africa portray a relatively equal distribution of incomes, others, notably in Central, Eastern, and especially Southern Africa, grapple with entrenched inequalities. Scholars have long identified two key historical explanations for the outcomes of […]